(Click The image above for online orders)

Deep Groove Records

Brunswick, Maine

Finestkind Vinyl Haven (CLOSED)

Brunswick, Maine

Strange Maine

Portland, Maine

Moodys Vintage

Portland, Maine

Dr. Records

Bangor, Maine

The Record Connection

Waterville, Maine

Color Sound Oblivion

Biddeford, Maine

Pitchfork Records

Concord, New, Hampshire

Skeletone Records

Rochester, New Hampshire

Fidelis A/V

Nashua, New Hampshire

NH Vintage Vinyl

Laconia, New Hampshire

Full Circle Vinyl

Meredith, New Hampshire

The Music Connection

Manchester, New Hampshire

Welfare Records

Haverhill, Massachusetts

The Record Exchange

Salem, Massachusetts



Beverly, Massachusetts


Dyno Records

Newburyport, Massachusetts


Mystery Train

Gloucester, Massachusetts


Rough Trade

New York City, New York


Cheapo Records

Cambridge, Massachusetts


Deep Thoughts

Boston, Massachusetts


Stereo Jacks
Somerville, Massachusetts

The Nevermind Shop

Burlington, Connecticut

Records - The Good Kind

Vernon, Connecticut
The Vinyl Canteen
Bangor, Maine
Lizard Dog Records
Orono, Maine
Green Street Grooves
Melrose, Massachusetts
The Infectious Groove
Amherst, New Hampshire
The Vinyl Vault
Littleton, Massachusetts
BOMP! Records
Los Angeles, California


Bangor, Maine

Biddeford, Maine

Brunswick, Maine

Keene, New Hampshire

Lewiston, Maine

Mill Creek, Maine

North Windham, Maine

Plaistow, New Hampshire

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Scarborough, Maine

Waterville, Maine